
03 June 2024

Celebrating Geordie’s Success: MOB Academy’s Impact and Community Partnership

At MOB Academy, we don’t just focus on academic achievement. We empower young men to reach their full potential by building the skills and connections they need to thrive in the workforce. In fact, that’s why we’re thrilled to celebrate Geordie’s recent accomplishment – landing his first job!

Geordie’s success wouldn’t have been possible without the incredible support of our community partners, like PainPod. PainPod’s mission is to offer an affordable drug free alternative to pain that actually works, while leading the way for socially conscious businesses.

“We love what MOB do. Geordie has just kicked goals, he’s picked up things so quickly. We trust him to do the jobs and do them correctly. We would absolutely hire from them again – we love the fact that the boys have such a big support network behind them while they transition into the workforce. they’ve got a fantastic network around them.” – Sandy, part owner of PainPod

Building strong relationships within the Gold Coast is a core value at MOB Academy. These partnerships, in turn, allow us to connect our students with valuable opportunities and resources, like job placements.

A huge thank you to PainPod for their continuous support! Their commitment to helping young men like Geordie is truly inspiring.

Congratulations to Geordie as well! We’re incredibly proud of his hard work and dedication. This is just the beginning of a bright future ahead.

MOB Academy provides a comprehensive support system for our students. We go beyond academic guidance, offering career counseling, mentorship programs, and connections with local businesses. Furthermore, we believe by working together with our community, we can create a brighter future for all young men.

Are you interested in learning more about MOB Academy and how we can help your son? Contact us today!

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